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 Seahorse and SeaDragon 3's Preschool Programs:

 We offer these programs in the original Fire Hall Building of our Colwood Community Hall Complex. 7:00-9:00am our full day 3 year old friends begin their day with some relaxed, quiet free play and a breakfast break when they are ready. At 9:00 we welcome our short day friends who attend from 9:00am-2:15 on all of the days that Sooke School District 62 are in session. Our 3 year olds then begin their preschool curriculum days.

 In our 3's programs we will be starting our "kindergarten readiness curriculum" by teaching shapes, colours, basic counting and an introduction to pencil grip throughout the year. We will also be teaching basic concepts about nature, our local community and other concepts relating to our monthly themes in our circle, planned activities and on our regular field trips. Socially, we focus on teaching turn taking and caring for each other as a team. We also encourage the development of positive participation in group activities and how to participate in classroom activities with enthusiasm.

 We incorporate a bullying prevention program into our day called "Pro-social Behavior Modification Program". This program builds

the recognition of emotion in others and themselves, and teaches the children to use their words to express their wants and needs to others, as well as how to be a good friend and lend a helping hand to others in need. We are aiming to teach them to resolve conflict with their peers independently by the time they enter kindergarten.

 The Seahorses also go out on field trips to local points of interest on our 24 passenger school buses, which are driven by class "4" drivers and pre-trip inspected daily. Some of these field trips are directly related to the monthly themes and the rest of the trips are about enjoying nature and the outdoors we are blessed to live in on the island.


Monthly Themes:

 September: Getting to know you, family, friends, Safari Animals
October: Fall Harvest, Halloween
November: Outer Space
December: Christmas traditions 
January: Arctic Animals, Disney
February: Dinosaurs 
March: Spring, baby animals
April: Seeds and plants, bugs
May: Community Helpers
June: Pirates and fantasy

July and August: Ocean and sealife

Seahorse 3's Day Schedule:

 7:00-10:00am - Greetings, art / science activities, snack, free play carpets
10:00-11:30am - Outside free play / field trips
11:30-12:00 - Circle time
12:00-12:45 - Lunchtime (heat ups ok)
12:45-1:45 - Rest time
1:45-2:15 - Snack time
3:00-5:00 - Indoor/outdoor freeplay

SeaDragon 3's Day Schedule:

7:00-9:00am - Greetings, free play carpets, snack

9:00-10:45 -  art / science activities / 

10:45-11:15 - circle time

11:15- 12:00 - lunch time

12:15-2:15 - field trips

2:15-2:30   - snack time

2:30-5:00 - Indoor/Outdoor Free play